Kim Way: Meet the NFP Partners Team

In 2023, Kim Way joined NFP Partners, bringing with her an AAS in Business Management from Kalamazoo Valley Community College. With over three decades of diverse accounting experience in Southwest Michigan, Kim spent the last 11 years dedicated to nonprofit service....

NFP Partners is on BBB
NFP Partners is on BBB

Join previous and current clients of NFP Partners in sharing feedback by submitting a review on our Better Business Bureau (BBB) page! NFP Partners values our BBB page's honest feedback and hopes it provides a glimpse of who we are from previous and current clients to...

End of Year Self-Care Tactics for Accountants
End of Year Self-Care Tactics for Accountants

With 2022 winding down and 2023 right around the corner, stress levels begin to rise while the long list of to do’s seem endless. Because of such, NFP Partners thought it would be a good idea to help you pen down some good self-care tactics going into the...

Nonprofit Budgeting in July
Nonprofit Budgeting in July

NFP Partners provides tips on how your nonprofit can effectively prepare a mid-year assessment of the organizational budget in July.

Interpreting Financial Reports
Interpreting Financial Reports

What does your nonprofit organization need to know about financial reports? NFP Partners breaks down the challenges of reporting in nonprofit accounting.

New Accountants in Town! NFP Partners Welcomes New Team Members
New Accountants in Town! NFP Partners Welcomes New Team Members

With a growing need in the nonprofit space for strong financial management comes an opportunity for NFP Partners to provide such with more accounting consultants than we've ever had before. Since late 2021, we've welcomed five new staff accountants! We're excited for...
