Three Thoughtful New Year’s Resolutions
Here we are, almost through the first month of the New Year. I sure wish time could slow down. Just like last month, we talked about how December is a time of reflection of the year that is ending, January is the time for planning for a successful new year.
These plans are typically made in a resolution. For example, I resolve to exercise more in 2020. I think, for accountants, we need to invest in a treadmill with the ability to work on our computers while we are trying to exercise more in January. Honestly, it’s a busy month!
During this busy month, have you thought about resolutions and ways that you can do your job better? Here are three of mine:
1. Get out of the email hamster wheel
In 2020, I, personally, am going to implement practices to organize my email inbox. I haven’t figured out if it needs to be as drastic as deleting everything and starting fresh or taking some baby steps to create rules that compartmentalize the incoming emails. But, I’m fortunate to have a team member that has done this successfully. Because of such, I will use her to help me.
2. Expand our training opportunities, internally and externally
We plan to focus in 2020 on building plans to ensure our clients and team have opportunities to learn. Some topics might include best practices on managing your email, understanding the latest revenue recognition rules, learning about new software and integration opportunities or discovering ways to simplify recurring tasks. Stay tuned throughout the year for possible User’s Groups, podcasts or webinars on various topics.
3. Transition our business practices to focus on integration, internally and with clients
We think moving to a single data entry point will create the greatest efficiency in day-to-day tasks and reduce the opportunity for error. NFP Partners will move towards full integration of our practices with our accounting systems, encourage our vendors to pay electronically, and internally utilize our time tracking system to improve our billing practices. We are looking forward to replicating these systems with our clients in 2020.
Cheers to all of you and to a New Year! I wish you the best in setting resolutions and in accomplishing them for a great 2020! For a refresher on our services, click here.